how to make multiple background color in css code example

Example 1: multiple color background

/* Its, very important to set the background repeat to: no-repeat */

/* 1) An image              */ url(, 
/* 2) Gradient              */ linear-gradient(to right, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255)), 
/* 3) Color(using gradient) */ linear-gradient(to right, RGB(110, 175, 233), RGB(110, 175, 233));

/* 1) Image position        */ 0 0, 
/* 2) Gradient position     */ 0 100px,
/* 3) Color position        */ 0 130px;

/* 1) Image size            */ 640px 100px,
/* 2) Gradient size         */ 100% 30px, 
/* 3) Color size            */ 100% 30px;

Example 2: how to give 2 different background color css

background: repeating-linear-gradient(#74ABDD, #74ABDD 49.9%, #498DCB 50.1%, #498DCB 100%);

Example 3: css multicolor background

background: linear-gradient(110deg, #fdcd3b 60%, #ffed4b 60%);