multiple git accounts for aws code example
Example: multiple git accounts for aws
# This file is: ~/.ssh/config
# You may have other (non-CodeCommit) SSH credentials stored in this
# config file – in addition to the CodeCommit settings shown below.
# NOTE: Make sure to run [ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config ] after creating this file!
# Credentials for Account1
Host awscc-account1 # 'awscc-account1' is a name you pick
Hostname # This points to CodeCommit in the 'US East' region
User A1EXAMPLE01234567891 # UserID as provided by IAM Security Credentials (SSH)
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/account1-awsCC-rsa # Path to corresponding key file
# Credentials for Account2
Host awscc-account2
User A2EXAMPLE01234567892
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/account2-awsCC-rsa
# Credentials for Account3
Host awscc-account3
User A3EXAMPLE01234567893
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/account3-awsCC-rsa