python string cut last character code example

Example 1: python remove last characters from string

st =  "abcdefghij"
st = st[:-1]  # Returns string with last character removed

Example 2: how to remove the last letter of a string python

string = "Hello World"
string = string[:-1]  # This overwrite the string to have the last letter removed.
print(string)# Then we print the variable string

Example 3: python remove last part of string

#Removing last three characters
foo = foo[:-3]

Example 4: python string cut last character

# string [start:end:step]
string = "freeCodeCamp"
print(string[0:len(string)-1])		# freeCodeCam
print(string[0:5])		            # freeC
print(string[2:6])		            # eeCo
print(string[-1])		            # p
print(string[-5:])		            # eCamp
print(string[1:-4])                 # reeCode
print(string[-5:-2])	            # eCa
print(string[::2])		            # feCdCm