selenium locate by tagname code example

Example 1: tags in selenium

Tags are keywords helps us group our tests and create running 
structure for our testing suite.
 WE can run specific scenarios, or exclude specific scenarios.
    ---- We have 3 keyword in Cucumber for to use tags:
   1- OR: if we want to run all the listed tests we use or
   2- AND: we want the scenario/feature to have all of the given tags to be ran.
   3- NOT: basically if we want to exclude any test with a specific @tag given, 
        we provide it after "not" keyword. Those scenarios will not be ran.

Example 2: find elements in selenium

#In Python

#Let's say that we want to locate the h1 tag in this HTML:
#    <head>
#        ... some stuff
#    </head>
#    <body>
#        <h1 class="someclass" id="greatID">Super title</h1>
#    </body>

h1 = driver.find_element_by_name('h1')
h1 = driver.find_element_by_class_name('someclass')
h1 = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//h1')
h1 = driver.find_element_by_id('greatID')