software jenkins code example
Example 1: jenkins integration
Jenkins is
1) Open source automation server
2) Helps to automate the non-human part of
the software development process
3) Allows continuous integration
5) In my company Port is 8081 localhost
To run my project in Jenkins
1) I need to Login Jenkins account
2) I need to Create freestyle project
3) after that Install plugins -cucumber report and git
4) Under source code management I choose git and past git url
5) I Build trigger and I choose to build periodically
6) Invoke top-level maven
1. Maven version; MAVEN_HOME
2. Goals; clean verify -
7) Under post-build actions
1. Choose cucumber reports
2. Choose editable email notify
8) Editable email notification
1. Attach build log; choose build log
2. Click advanced settings
9) Failure-Any
1. Click advanced
2. Recipient list - email address who will
receive the report. Add comma if multiple
3. Click add trigger - like failure always
4. Attach build log; select attach build log
5. Save
10) Final Step
1. Click build now and test will run and
gives your cucumber report
Example 2: who sets up Jenkins
In my company we have DevOps/Operations Support team who is responsible
for maintaining jenkins.
Those installed and configured jenkins. for deployments etc. They work with
developers to create jobs for building and deploying the applications.
For creating smoke tests, they work with automation engineers