Ubuntu 16.04 - VirtualBox 5.0 - Host crashes

Figured it out after following:


(Had to upgrade VBox to 5.2 and all worked ok)

In case you need it, had also to follow : VirtualBox - RTR3InitEx failed with rc=-1912 (rc=-1912) in order to completely uninstall all the previous installations

There was a silent security update that caused old VirtualBox installations (older than 5.2) to hang the entire host.

I really appreciate Sanosay, and Bertrand Lo question and answers here. I followed them and fixed this issue on my situation, let me summarize what I've done for this issue step by step completely here for your convenience:

  1. sudo apt autoremove virtualbox

  2. Reboot.

  3. Add deb https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian xenial contrib into Ubuntu 16.04's software source list.

    (by start "Software & Updates, and choose the "Other Software" tab, and click "Add" button, then paste the deb https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian xenial contrib in the APT line)

  4. sudo apt update && sudo apt install virtualbox-5.2

    Be cautious! It's virtualbox-5.2 instead of virtualbox.

  5. after installation, reboot

  6. run virtualbox, and you'll find that your virtualbox version is 5.2 now, and it'll not cause whole host ubuntu16.04 crash when run one guest OS.

The original version virtualbox in ubuntu16.04 could not work correctly with Ubuntu16.04 latest patch, even Canonical claims 16.04 is their LTS (Long Term Support) version, at least it couldn't support the virtualbox 5.0 now.

also ran into this problem, thanks for the advices above! However, there's one more step that's missing for 'apt update' to work, new keys, paste this into Terminal:

wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox_2016.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -

(from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads)