UITableView indexPath of last row

Shamsudheen TK's answer will crash

if there is no rows/sections in tableview.

The following solution to avoid crash at run time

extension UITableView {
  func scrollToBottom() {

    let lastSectionIndex = self.numberOfSections - 1
    if lastSectionIndex < 0 { //if invalid section

    let lastRowIndex = self.numberOfRows(inSection: lastSectionIndex) - 1
    if lastRowIndex < 0 { //if invalid row

    let pathToLastRow = IndexPath(row: lastRowIndex, section: lastSectionIndex)
    self.scrollToRow(at: pathToLastRow, at: .bottom, animated: true)

Note: If you are trying to scroll to bottom in block/clousure then you need to call this on main thread.

DispatchQueue.main.async {

Hope this will helps other

As suggested by others get indexPath for perticular sections like section 0.

After that call...add this methos in cellFOrROwAtIndex

[tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES]; ..to scroll to specific indexPath in TableView.

Note:-But it still need scrolling of tableview in Downward direction.

You can use scrollToRowAtIndexPath with extension:

In Swift 3:

extension UITableView {
    func scrollToLastCell(animated : Bool) {
        let lastSectionIndex = self.numberOfSections - 1 // last section
        let lastRowIndex = self.numberOfRows(inSection: lastSectionIndex) - 1 // last row
        self.scrollToRow(at: IndexPath(row: lastRowIndex, section: lastSectionIndex), at: .Bottom, animated: animated)

Please note that, you don't need to call the reloadData to make the last row visible. You can make use of scrollToRowAtIndexPath method.

You can use the below code to achieve your goal.

// First figure out how many sections there are
let lastSectionIndex = self.tblTableView!.numberOfSections() - 1

// Then grab the number of rows in the last section
let lastRowIndex = self.tblTableView!.numberOfRowsInSection(lastSectionIndex) - 1

// Now just construct the index path
let pathToLastRow = NSIndexPath(forRow: lastRowIndex, inSection: lastSectionIndex)

// Make the last row visible
self.tblTableView?.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(pathToLastRow, atScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPosition.None, animated: true)

Swift 4.0:

tableView.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: UITableViewScrollPosition.none, animated: true)