UIWebView Bug: -[UIWebView cut:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

This is an Apple bug. The problem is the cut: action is sent incorrectly in the responder chain, and ends up being sent to the UIWebView instance instead of the internal UIWebDocumentView, which implements the method.

Until Apple fixes the bug, let's have some fun with the Objective C runtime.

Here, I subclass UIWebView with the purpose of supporting all UIResponderStandardEditActions methods, by forwarding them to the correct internal instance.

@import ObjectiveC;    

@interface CutCopyPasteFixedWebView : UIWebView @end

@implementation CutCopyPasteFixedWebView

- (UIView*)_internalView
    UIView* internalView = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, "__internal_view_key");

    if(internalView == nil && self.subviews.count > 0)
        for (UIView* view in self.scrollView.subviews) {
            if([view.class.description hasPrefix:@"UIWeb"])
                internalView = view;

                objc_setAssociatedObject(self, "__internal_view_key", view, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN);


    return internalView;

void webView_implement_UIResponderStandardEditActions(id self, SEL selector, id param)
    void (*method)(id, SEL, id) = (void(*)(id, SEL, id))[[self _internalView] methodForSelector:selector];

    //Call internal implementation.
    method([self _internalView], selector, param);

- (void)_prepareForNoCrashes
    NSArray* selectors = @[@"cut:", @"copy:", @"paste:", @"select:", @"selectAll:", @"delete:", @"makeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight:", @"makeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft:", @"toggleBoldface:", @"toggleItalics:", @"toggleUnderline:", @"increaseSize:", @"decreaseSize:"];

    for (NSString* selName in selectors)
        SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(selName);

        //This is safe, the method will fail if there is already an implementation.
        class_addMethod(self.class, selector, (IMP)webView_implement_UIResponderStandardEditActions, "");

- (void)awakeFromNib
    [self _prepareForNoCrashes];

    [super awakeFromNib];


Use this subclass in your storyboard.

Have fun.

If you don't mind that there is no callout for cut/paste/etc. in the case, when the UIWebview is wrongly becoming first responder, then you can also fix it with this category. This does not prohibit cut/paste/etc. when the UIWebDocumentView (correctly) becomes first responder.

@implementation UIWebView (NoWrongPerformWebview)

- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender
    return NO;


// Swift 4 compliant version

import UIKit

extension UIWebView {

    override open func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool {
        // Should be respond to a certain Selector ??
        return responds(to: action)