UML class diagrams for Xcode (swift programming)

Inspired by swift-auto-diagram and similar open-source tools I started to work on such utility with the goal to write it in Swift (to make contribution easier by Swift developers) and to integrate it in Xcode and the Swift ecosystem.

Xcode extension:

You are able to generate a class diagram from selected lines of code or from a whole file displayed in Xcode. The class diagram will then be opened in your browser. There you can modify the diagram with PlantUML notation

To generate a class diagram from multiple source files you can use the underlying CLI tool and Swift Package:

There is a size limitation to the visible diagram content (but you can delete content in the browser with PlantUML notation)

I remember looking at this question a while ago and was disappointed that there wasn't any tool like this so I created one myself with the help of a colleague. It's free, it's open source, it's looking for contributors...

And here's a tutorial on how to use it (don't worry it's very simple):

Happy diagraming :)

The answer unfortunately is: you can't do it. At least not automatically. Swift as compiler itself has enough flaws left. Leave alone some tool will be able to swallow any Swift code. Your only alternative is the good old manual way.

I know that Enterprise Architect has a possibility to define a language syntax based on BNF. But Swift is (again unfortunately) not context free. (In fact it's so context sensitive that it often swallows its own rear.) So that won't work either.

P.S.: Now that Swift is open source someone might take the opportunity to tap the compiler's output for the class interfaces. I guess that should not be too difficult, but it's a lot of work still.