Unable to Acquire the State Change Lock

I solved problem by following these simple steps,

  1. Go to your eclipse directory and open configuration directory.
  2. open org.eclipse.osgi directory.
  3. open .manager folder.
  4. Delete .fileTableLock file.
  5. Restart your eclipse.

I faced same issue.Deleting the given .log file from configuration folder and restarting eclipse should resolve your problem.

This looks like the framework start up starts simpleconfigurator which tries to start the framework again. The framework detects this recursion and throws an exception to escape it. The problem appears to be in simpleconfigurator attempting the start the framework which is starting it.

I use Red Hat Developer Studio 10.4 (Eclipse 4.6) and i tried use Eclipse Checkstyle plugin.

After install i restarted my IDE and received the crash notification.

I tried all suggestions but only when i delete a file called framework.info.34 my problem was solved.

This file is in %eclipse_home%/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi folder.