Unable to debug dotnet core GenericHost docker container

I had run into a similar problem... well, I think that the reasons are quite similar, in my case, I could not do anything, I could not even build the project, I had compiling errors, 'simple' ones... lol... let's say that using system; was erring and some other libraries that are there by default.

After a lot of investigation, I found out that my project was in net standard 2.0, but one of the nuget packages was for net standard 2.1, removing that package and finding a way to fix that part of the code resolved the problem.

The reason I believe was similar to what you are after, when adding the libraries, you are adding external code, external code that you don't control, so if the external library was referencing to another library that was not compatible with your project, like in my case, so I believe that the libraries were fighting to decide if it was meant to be a console or a web server app, have you tried to see the process that was created?

I also had a look at the library that you are mentioning (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Grpc.AspNetCore) and then click on dependencies and then there is this package:


which may have caused the crash.

Be careful with nuget packages, they are pretty cool and 'useful' but look at the dependencies, sometimes it is better to do your own code, that was my lesson. For more details : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/library-guidance/dependencies