Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed

From my experience, that error means that the value of the providerName attribute on the connection string in your web.config is either incorrect, or the provider literally is not installed. If your providerName is set to System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0 (SQL Server Compact), which is not uncommon in development, I can guarantee you that it's not installed on your web host; it's only used inside Visual Studio for development. You probably just need to change it to a the real SQL Server provider: System.Data.SqlClient.

I resolved the issue.

I find a space in providerName. So, .net framework is not able to estblish connection string with database.

Check your connectionString tag attribute value. Your providerName may be not well defined. Look for any spaces (as the naming does not allow any) and check extra characters in providerName value.