Unable to get started with a new Expo project | Node.js version 14.0.0 is no longer supported

The best solution is to downgrade to a node version supported by expo-cli using brew.
Just run the following commands:

brew unlink node
brew install ${MAX_ALT_NODE=$(brew search node | grep node@ | sort -rn | head -n 1)}
brew link --overwrite --force $MAX_ALT_NODE

And you're done! expo-cli is back on track!


#unlink current node version so we can install another version
brew unlink node
#install the highest alternative node version available with `brew`
brew install ${MAX_ALT_NODE=$(brew search node | grep node@ | sort -rn | head -n 1)}
#force link this version to use it instead of default node version
brew link --overwrite --force $MAX_ALT_NODE


  • as these commands get the highest alternative node version available with brew dynamically installed, it would work in the future too.
  • a pull request fixing the current issue has been merged in the official expo-cli repo and thus should soon be available.

Working @ May 2020

$ brew uninstall node  --ignore-dependencies node
$ brew install node@12
$ brew link --force --overwrite node@12