Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll'

I know I'm late to the party but I had this issue right after I pulled down latest x86/x64 today (version My local IIS in VS2012 runs 32bit by default and there's no easy way to switch to x64. My production server runs 64bit.

Anyway I installed the NuGet package to a DLL project and I got this error. What I had to do to get it working I had to install it to the main site project, too. Even if it doesn't touch SQLite classes at all.

My guess is that SQLite uses the entry assembly to detect which version of Interop to load.

So, after adding the NuGet the deployment doesn't copy down the Interops. You can add this to your csproj file and it should fix that behavior:


If you look in the source for NuGet for SQLite you can see what these are doing specifically. This allowed me to get a deploy working with ASP.Net Core.

I had this problem because a dll I was using had Sqlite as a dependency (configured in NuGet with only the Sqlite core package.). The project compiles and copies all the Sqlite dll-s except the 'SQLite.Interop.dll' (both x86 and x64 folder).

The solution was very simple: just add the System.Data.SQLite.Core package as a dependency (with NuGet) to the project you are building/running and the dll-s will be copied.