Unable to set my connectionstring in NLog

Updated answer

Since NLog.Web.AspNetCore 4.8 (NLog.Extensions.Logging 1.4 for .NET Core console programs) you could directly read from your appSettings.json


see docs

Original answer

Unfortunately reading connectionstrings/settings from appSettings.json / app.config is not yet supported in NLog for .NET core.

Two options:

  1. Set the connectionstring programmatically, by using variables. In your nlog.config:

    <target ... connectionString="${var:myConnectionstring}"  ... />

    and in code: (e.g. in Configure)

    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["myConnectionstring"] = "...."; //read config here
  2. Or, set the connectionstring in nlog.config.

    In your nlog.config:

    <variable name="myConnectionstring" value="...." />  

    and using in your target in nlog.config:

    <target ... connectionString="${var:myConnectionstring}" ... />

Another option is to create and register a custom NLog layout-renderer (startup.cs):


Which outputs the ConnectionString after having read it from your favorite configuration-location. Then you don't have the connectionstring in your nlog.config, but just refer to your custom layout-renderer.

Maybe cheer for this pending issue:
