Uncaught TypeError: table.search(...).draw is not a function


You're using DataTables plug-in 1.9.4 but API methods and example for newer 1.10.x release.

API methods have changed when DataTables plug-in was updated to 1.10 version, see Converting parameter names for 1.10 for details.


Upgrade your DataTables library to version 1.10 to use search() API method.


If you cannot upgrade to version 1.10 for some reason, use the code below. There is similar example for version 1.9 , see DataTables individual column filtering example.

For DataTables 1.9


        "sPaginationType": "full_numbers"

    $("#myFilter").on('keyup', function (){

See fnFilter API reference for additional optional parameters.

Just Make sure with naming conventions

If you are using the remote datable Initialize the data-table with the following syntax

var table = $('#store-list').DataTable();

instead of

var table = $('#store-list').dataTable();

console the variable table


It will show you all the remote accessible properties

$: ƒ () ajax: {dt_wrapper: true, json: ƒ, params: ƒ, reload: ƒ, url: ƒ} cell: ƒ () cells: ƒ () clear: ƒ () column: ƒ () columns: ƒ () context: [{…}] data: ƒ () destroy: ƒ () draw: ƒ () i18n: ƒ () init: ƒ () off: ƒ () on: ƒ () one: ƒ () order: ƒ () page: ƒ () row: ƒ () rows: ƒ () search: ƒ () selector: {rows: null, cols: null, opts: null} settings: ƒ () state: ƒ () table: ƒ () tables: ƒ () __proto: Object(0)

dataTable will work without any issue if you are using a client data-table

This work for me:

var table = $('#campaniasVinculadas').DataTable();

$('#myFilters input').on( 'keyup', function () {
        .search( this.value )

I use the selector '#myFilters input' because the id "#myFilters" for Tfoot doesn't have a "value" attribute, but "input" has the value attribute.