Undefined Reference To yywrap

I prefer to define my own yywrap(). I'm compiling with C++, but the point should be obvious. If someone calls the compiler with multiple source files, I store them in a list or array, and then yywrap() is called at the end of each file to give you a chance to continue with a new file.

int yywrap() {
   // open next reference or source file and start scanning
   if((yyin = compiler->getNextFile()) != NULL) {
      line = 0; // reset line counter for next source file
      return 0;
   return 1;

The scanner calls this function on end of file, so you can point it to another file and continue scanning its contents. If you don't need this, use

%option noyywrap

in the scanner specification.

Although disabling yywrap is certainly the best option, it may also be possible to link with -lfl to use the default yywrap() function in the library fl (i.e. libfl.a) provided by flex. Posix requires that library to be available with the linker flag -ll and the default OS X install only provides that name.


Flex Lexer