understand functions in python code example

Example 1: python functions

def myFunction(say): #you can add variables to the function


age = input("How old are you?")

myFunction("You are {} years old!".format(age))

#this is what you get:

How old are you?
>>11 #lol my real age actually
You are 11 years old!

Example 2: python functions

def chess_piece(piece_name, piece_value, piece_rank):
    """Info about a chess piece."""
    print(f"\nThis chess piece is called the {piece_name}.")
    print(f"It has an approximate value of {piece_value} points.")
    print(f"In other words, this piece is the {piece_rank} valuable piece.")
chess_piece('pawn', '1', 'least')
chess_piece('knight', '3', 'second to last most')
chess_piece('bishop', '3', 'third to last most')
chess_piece('rook', '5', 'third most')
chess_piece('queen', '9', 'second most')
chess_piece('king', 'infinite', 'most')

Example 3: python functions

# Python Functions
def a_function(): #def FUNCTIONNAMEHERE(): Function content
  print("Hello World!")
  return 0
def answerValid(prompt, correct_answers, invalid): # Functions can also have parameters, or variables that can be used only in tha function
  while True:
    user = input(prompt)
    if user in correct_answers:
      return user # Example Function

a_function() # To call a function; Prints 'Hello World!'
# But if this is done:
function_called = a_function() # function_called would contain a 0, because the function returns 0
answer = answerValid("What is 8 * 8?", [64], "Invalid Option")
print(answer) # Prints 64, because that is the only possible answer

Example 4: functions python examples

def multiply(a, b):
  return a * b

print(multiply(4, 4))

Example 5: functions in python

#Function Tutoral:
def hello():
"""To make a function, it needs def then nameOfFunction() and a : to 
make the function work, you don't need a closing tag, as long as there is
tabbed section."""

def add(a, b): #This time, there is two inputs for the function to prossess. 
  c = a + b 
  return c
"""What the function above does is you input 2 numbers, and then it returns 
#The Value c, Calling it is as simple as add(5, 1) 
#What return does, is it almost makes a varible. So you can do:
#70 + add(10, 20) and it will return with: 100. This is because it will
go 70 + 30, as the function returned 30 because the inputs were 10 and 20."""

"""Functions can be called by code, as long as the function has already
been defined. Hope this helped you in your python journey!"""

Example 6: python functions

def string():
  print('This is a function')