Understand part of a proof to show that if K is normal in G, then K is the kernel of a homomorphism
Call $H=\{x\in G\mid xK=K\}$. If $x\in K$, then $xK=K$ and hence $x\in H$, whence $K\subseteq H$. Vice versa, if $x\in H$ then $xK=K$ and, in particular, $xK\subseteq K$; by definition, this means that $\forall k\in K, \exists k'\in K$ such that $xk=k'$; take $k=e$ to conclude that $x\in K$, whence $H\subseteq K$. By the double inclusion, $H=K$.
Your understanding is correct. To avoid using contradiction, you can have positive arguments.
If $x\in G$ is such that $xK = K$, then $x=x\cdot e \in K$ where $e$ is the identity element.
Conversely for $k \in K$, $kK \subseteq K$ because $K$ is closed under $\cdot$ operation as a subgroup. And if $k^\prime \in K$ then $k^\prime = k\cdot(k^{-1} \cdot k^\prime) \in kK$. proving that $kK=K$.
Remember that any subgroup $\;K\;$ of a group $\;G\;$ defines an equivalence relation $\;R\;$ on $\;G\;$ defined by $\;xRy\iff y^{-1}x\in K\;$. You can prove this by yourself, it's easy.
Now, the set of equivalence classes, denoted sometimes by $\;K\backslash G\;$, is a group which operation is $\;[x]\cdot[y]:=[xy]\,,\,\,x,y\in G\;$, iff $\;K\;$ is a normal subgroup. We usually write every equivalence class in the form $\;xK\;$ and not $\;[x]\;$ , then the operation between equivalence clases is $\;xKyK:=xyK\;,\;\;x,y\in G\;$, and we get then that $\;xK=yK\iff y^{-1}x\in K\;$ , and also $\;xK=x\iff x\in K\;$. In this case we denote this group of equivalence clases as $\;G/K\;$ and call it " the quotient group of $\;G\;$ by $\;K\;$"