understanding context.context go code example

Example: understanding context.context go

package main

  import "fmt"
  //prints to stdout and puts an int on channel
  func printHello(ch chan int) {
    fmt.Println("Hello from printHello")
    //send a value on channel
    ch <- 2

  func main() {
    //make a channel. You need to use the make function to create channels.
    //channels can also be buffered where you can specify size. eg: ch := make(chan int, 2)
    //that is out of the scope of this post.
    ch := make(chan int)
    //inline goroutine. Define a function and then call it.
    //write on a channel when done
    go func(){
      fmt.Println("Hello inline")
      //send a value on channel
      ch <- 1
    //call a function as goroutine
    go printHello(ch)
    fmt.Println("Hello from main")

    //get first value from channel.
    //and assign to a variable to use this value later
    //here that is to print it
    i := <- ch
    fmt.Println("Recieved ",i)
    //get the second value from channel
    //do not assign it to a variable because we dont want to use that
    <- ch


Misc Example