Understanding how Lambda closure type has deleted default constructor

The relationship between a closure to lambda is similar to object to class.

The C++11 standard says that the closure! type has no default constructor, and that is correct because it doesn't say it has no constructor.

The lambda is used to create a closure. But your quoted paragraph will change for C++14.

ClosureType() = delete;                     // (until C++14)
ClosureType(const ClosureType& ) = default; // (since C++14)
ClosureType(ClosureType&& ) = default;      // (since C++14)

Closure types are not DefaultConstructible. Closure types have a deleted (until C++14) no (since C++14) default constructor. The copy constructor and the move constructor are implicitly-declared (until C++14) declared as defaulted (since C++14) and may be implicitly-defined according to the usual rules for copy constructors and move constructors.
