Undocumented NSURLErrorDomain error codes (-1001, -1003 and -1004) using StoreKit
All error codes are on "CFNetwork Errors Codes References" on the documentation (link)
A small extraction for CFURL and CFURLConnection Errors:
kCFURLErrorUnknown = -998,
kCFURLErrorCancelled = -999,
kCFURLErrorBadURL = -1000,
kCFURLErrorTimedOut = -1001,
kCFURLErrorUnsupportedURL = -1002,
kCFURLErrorCannotFindHost = -1003,
kCFURLErrorCannotConnectToHost = -1004,
kCFURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost = -1005,
kCFURLErrorDNSLookupFailed = -1006,
kCFURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects = -1007,
kCFURLErrorResourceUnavailable = -1008,
kCFURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet = -1009,
kCFURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation = -1010,
kCFURLErrorBadServerResponse = -1011,
kCFURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication = -1012,
kCFURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired = -1013,
kCFURLErrorZeroByteResource = -1014,
kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData = -1015,
kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData = -1016,
kCFURLErrorCannotParseResponse = -1017,
kCFURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff = -1018,
kCFURLErrorCallIsActive = -1019,
kCFURLErrorDataNotAllowed = -1020,
kCFURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted = -1021,
kCFURLErrorFileDoesNotExist = -1100,
kCFURLErrorFileIsDirectory = -1101,
kCFURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile = -1102,
kCFURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum = -1103,
I have similar problems, in my case seem to be related to network connectivity:
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out."
Things to check:
- Is there any chance that your server is not able to respond within some time limit? Like 60 seconds or 4 minutes?
- Is there a possibility that your device is switching networks (WiFi, 3G, VPN)?
- Could someone (client vs. server) be waiting for authentication?
Sorry, no ideas how to fix. Just debugging this, trying to find out what the problem is (-1021, -1001, -1009)
Update: Google search was very kind to find this:
- -1001 TimedOut - it took longer than the timeout which was alotted.
- -1003 CannotFindHost - the host could not be found.
- -1004 CannotConnectToHost - the host would not let us establish a connection.
see NSURLError.h Define
NSURLErrorUnknown = -1,
NSURLErrorCancelled = -999,
NSURLErrorBadURL = -1000,
NSURLErrorTimedOut = -1001,
NSURLErrorUnsupportedURL = -1002,
NSURLErrorCannotFindHost = -1003,
NSURLErrorCannotConnectToHost = -1004,
NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost = -1005,
NSURLErrorDNSLookupFailed = -1006,
NSURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects = -1007,
NSURLErrorResourceUnavailable = -1008,
NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet = -1009,
NSURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation = -1010,
NSURLErrorBadServerResponse = -1011,
NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication = -1012,
NSURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired = -1013,
NSURLErrorZeroByteResource = -1014,
NSURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData = -1015,
NSURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData = -1016,
NSURLErrorCannotParseResponse = -1017,
NSURLErrorAppTransportSecurityRequiresSecureConnection NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_11, 9_0) = -1022,
NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist = -1100,
NSURLErrorFileIsDirectory = -1101,
NSURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile = -1102,
NSURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0) = -1103,
// SSL errors
NSURLErrorSecureConnectionFailed = -1200,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateHasBadDate = -1201,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateUntrusted = -1202,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateHasUnknownRoot = -1203,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateNotYetValid = -1204,
NSURLErrorClientCertificateRejected = -1205,
NSURLErrorClientCertificateRequired = -1206,
NSURLErrorCannotLoadFromNetwork = -2000,
// Download and file I/O errors
NSURLErrorCannotCreateFile = -3000,
NSURLErrorCannotOpenFile = -3001,
NSURLErrorCannotCloseFile = -3002,
NSURLErrorCannotWriteToFile = -3003,
NSURLErrorCannotRemoveFile = -3004,
NSURLErrorCannotMoveFile = -3005,
NSURLErrorDownloadDecodingFailedMidStream = -3006,
NSURLErrorDownloadDecodingFailedToComplete =-3007,
NSURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) = -1018,
NSURLErrorCallIsActive NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) = -1019,
NSURLErrorDataNotAllowed NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) = -1020,
NSURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) = -1021,
NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0) = -995,
NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0) = -996,
NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionWasDisconnected NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0)= -997,