Unescape or html decode in Twig (PHP Templating)
You can use the raw
filter to make twig render raw html
{% autoescape %}
{{ var|raw }} {# var won't be escaped #}
{% endautoescape %}
You should be careful with using |raw. Saying that the data is safe, means you are trusting it 100%.
Personally I would suggest using a custom twig filter:
class CustomExtension extends \Twig_Extension
public function getFilters()
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('unescape', array($this, 'unescape')),
public function unescape($value)
return html_entity_decode($value);
Add the following to your services.yml (or alternatively translate into xml).
class: HA\SiteBundle\Twig\CustomExtension
- { name: twig.extension }