Unexpected behavior after assignment of function object to function wrapper

This is regular slicing, hidden under a layer of std::function and std::shared_ptr.

f = *p;

is valid because *p is a callable object with an appropriate operator(), and that is one of the things you can wrap in a std::function.

The reason that it doesn't work is that it copies *p – and that is a Foo&, not a Bar&.

This adaptation of your last example would behave the same:

Bar b;
Foo& c = b;
std::function<int(void)> f1 = c;
std::cout << f1() << std::endl;


This is a case of slicing. The reason is assignment operator of std::function (as demonstrated in another answer as well) which states:

Sets the target of *this to the callable f, as if by executing function(std::forward(f)).swap(*this);. This operator does not participate in overload resolution unless f is Callable for argument types Args... and return type R. (since C++14)


If you simplify and strip down the example - you can easily see what's going on:

Foo* p =  new Bar;

Foo f;
f = *p;//<-- slicing here since you deref and then copy the object

It looks like you were aiming at obtaining a pointer to the overridden virtual function - unfortunately, theres no easy way to unroll the virtual function lookup as that is implemented via a runtime lookup table. However an easy workaround might be to use a lambda to wrap (As the OP also mentions):

f = [p]{return (*p)();};

A more suitable solution could also be to just a use reference_wrapper:

f = std::ref(p);

Object slicing happens here.

The point is given f = *p;, p is of type std::shared_ptr<Foo>, then the type of *p is Foo& (instead of Bar&). Even the assignment operator of std::function takes argument by reference, but

4) Sets the target of *this to the callable f, as if by executing function(std::forward<F>(f)).swap(*this);.

Note that the F above is deduced as Foo& too. And the constructor of std::function takes argument by value, object slicing happens, the effect becomes that f is assigned from an object of type Foo which is slice-copied from *p.

template< class F > 
function( F f );