Unfold in all directions

SOGL V0.12, 75 bytes


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This expects the input on the stack, so for ease-of-use I added , at the start. That can cause issues if the input contains only numbers so here is a a test-suite for that.

70 bytes √lH»{ā;l⁾:A∫Ba{bIwFIWhFbž;FIbI@ž}};}¹K⁴{ē2\⌡±e{@Κ};⁴┼┼};0E{ē2\⌡№:h++}╚ works too, but as I only now implemented on strings and the documentation didn't mention that it would floor the length I won't count it.


creating a square from the input

l       get the length of the input
 √      get its square root
  u     floor that
   ²    square it
    m   mold the input to that length
     √  convert it to a square

creating the unfoldings of the square - the idea is to cut out the inner squares to a new array

lH»{                              } (length-1)//2 times do
    ā;                                push an empty array below ToS
      l⁾                              push ToS.length - 2 (ToS here is the square or the previous unfolding)
        :A                            save a copy of that in the variable A
          ∫B                    }     repeat that amount of times, saving iteration on B - cutting the inner square to the empty array
            a{                 }        variable A times do
              bIw                         get the b+1th row of the previous unfolding
                 FIW                      get the (current loops iteration + 1)th character of that
                    h                     swap the 2 items below ToS - so the stack now is [..., prevUnfolding, newArray, character]
                     Fbž                  at [current loops iteration; b] insert that character in the array
                        ;                 swap the top 2 items - the stack now is [..., newArray, prevUnfolding]
                         FIbI@ž           at [current loops iteration+1; b+1] insert a space
                                 ;    get the now not empty array ontop of the stack

add the horizontal unfoldings

¹                    wrap the stack in an array
 K                   push the 1st item of that, which will function as the canvas
  ⁴{              }  iterate over a copy of the remaining items
    ē2\⌡               repeat (e++ divides by 2) times (default for the variable E is the input, which defaults to 0)
        ±                reverse the array horizontally
         e{  }         repeat e times
           @Κ            add a space before ToS
              ;⁴┼┼     add that horizontally before and after the canvas

add the veertical unfoldings

;                get the copy of the foldings above the canvas
 0E              reset the variable E to 0
   {         }   iterate the copy of the foldings
    ē2\⌡           repeat (e++ divides by 2) times (default for the variable E is the input, which defaults to 0)
        №            reverse the array vertically
         :h++      add that vertically before and after the canvas
              ╚  center the canvas vertically

Charcoal, 120 109 bytes


Try it online! Note that has since been changed to and the link reflects this. Explanation:

       θ          Input string
      L           Length
     X  ⁰·⁵       Raise to the power 0.5
    I             Cast to string
   ⪪       .      Split on the decimal point
  §         ⁰     Take the first element (integer part)
 I                Cast to integer
A            η    Assign to h

Calculates h = int(sqrt(len(q))). (Floor was yet to be implemented...)


Extracts the h slices of length h from the input. (Actually I don't bother truncating the slices to length h.) I use a for loop rather than a Map because I need to Assign the result of the Map somewhere and this is nontrivial when dealing with a Slice.


The unfolding happens 4 times, once for each direction (down, right, up, left as coded). The loop variable for this loop is i.


Take a copy of the sliced string.


Jump back to the origin of the canvas so that each unfold starts with the h-by-h square in the same place.


Repeat (h+1)/2 times; once for each unfold, plus once for the original square. The loop variable for this loop is k.


Repeat 4 times, once for each side of the unfolded square. (I don't use the loop variable l.)

             F⁻η⁺κκ         Loop h-2k times, loop variable `m`
                    §εκ     Take the `k`th row
                   §   ⁺μκ  Take the `k+m`th column
                            Implicitly print the character

Print one side of the unfolded square. Since this is the kth unfold, the square's side is h-2k, and takes characters k away from the edge of the original square.

Pivot ready to print the next side of the square.

               Eε       Map over the array (element `m`, index `n`)
                 Eε     Map over the array (element `x`, index `p`)
                   §ξν  Take the `n`th element of `x`
              ⮌         Reverse
             A        ε Replace the array with the result

Rotate the sliced string. (Yes, that's a ξ. I don't get to use it often!) Eη would also work for the outer Map. The rotation also has the convenient side-effect of truncating the array's width to h.


After printing the side, the cursor moves off the edge of the square. Printing one character fewer fails for squares of side 1 and is less golfy anyway. Having previously pivoted, printing a newline conveniently moves the cursor back to the corner.

            ﹪ι²         Take `i` modulo 2
           ⎇            Choose either
                   ⮌ε   Reverse the array
               Eε       Map over the array (element `l`, index `m`)
                 ⮌λ     Reverse each element
          A          ε  Replace the array with the result

Flip the square vertically or horizontally as appropriate.

           ⎇‹ι²                 If `i` < 2
                  ⁺κκ           Double `k`
                ⁺²              Add 2
               ⁻     η          Subtract `h`
                        ⁺κκ     Else double `k`
                      ⁻η        Subtract from `h`
          ≔                κ    Assign back to `k`.

Calculate the displacement to the next unfold.

           ﹪ι²          Take `i` modulo 2
          ¿             If not zero
              Mκ¹       `k` across and 1 down
                 M¹κ    Else 1 across and `k` down

Move horizontally or vertically to the next unfold as appropriate.

Here's a link to the 97-byte version obtained by making use of all the latest Charcoal features including Floor: Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code.