Uninstalling Plugin in Vim

To manage easily plugins in vim use pathogen and this awesome article --> come home to vim

If you install vim plugin via Vundle, it's easy to uninstall plugin, comment out the plugin in .vimrc, example:

"Bundle 'tmhedberg/SimpylFold'



common commands of Vundle: :BundleList -List all plugins
:BundleInstall -Install all plugins
:BundleInstall! -Update all plugins
:BundleSearch foo -Find foo plugin
:BundleSearch! foo -refresh buffer for foo plugin
:BundleClean -clean all plugins if the plugin not defined in .vimrc

If you want to uninstall a plugin which was installed into ~/.vim manually, you should redownload its archive, list its content and manually remove everything, then run :helptags again (this will remove missing tags). If plugin was installed from a vimball, see documentation for :RmVimball. Vimball archives normally have .vba or .vba.gz extensions. In case you don't remember vimball file name, it is contained into ~/.vim/.VimballRecord file.

In order to avoid this problem in the future, try vim-addon-manager plugin. Like pathogen, it puts each plugin into separate directory, but is also capable of downloading, installing and updating them.