unity c# damage code example

Example: damage unity

public int currentHP;
    public GameObject Enemy; // These are to find the GameObjects
    public GameObject Player;
    void Start()
        (Enemy) = GameObject.Find("Enemy"); // Set this to the GameObjects name
        (Player) = GameObject.Find("Player"); // Set this to the GameObjects name
    void Update()
            if (currentHP < 1) // This is to destroy the player when you reach 0 HP
            Destroy(Player); // You can change this to a different method
    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) // Detecting the damage
        if (Enemy)
            currentHP =-1;
// You can add a health cap if you need to
// (This is the same as 'How to detect damage in unity' I put it on here if someone typed up something different :P)


Misc Example