unity find all variables in a class code example

Example: unity find all variables in a class

public class PropertyReader {
     //simple struct to store the type and name of variables
     public struct Variable {
         public string name;
         public Type type;
     //for instances of classes that inherit PropertyReader
     private Variable[] _fields_cache;
     private Variable[] _props_cache;
     public Variable[] getFields() {
         if (_fields_cache == null)
             _fields_cache = getFields (this.GetType ());
         return _fields_cache;
     public Variable[] getProperties() {
         if (_props_cache == null)
             _props_cache = getProperties (this.GetType ());
         return _props_cache;
     //getters and setters for instance values that inherit PropertyReader
     public object getValue(string name) {            
         return this.GetType().GetProperty(name).GetValue(this,null);
     public void setValue(string name, object value) {
     //static functions that return all values of a given type
     public static Variable[] getFields(Type type) {
         var fieldValues = type.GetFields ();
         var result = new Variable[fieldValues.Length];        
         for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.Length; i++) {
             result[i].name = fieldValues[i].Name;
             result[i].type = fieldValues[i].GetType();
         return result;
     public static Variable[] getProperties(Type type) {        
         var propertyValues = type.GetProperties ();
         var result = new Variable[propertyValues.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < propertyValues.Length; i++) {            
             result[i].name = propertyValues[i].Name;
             result[i].type = propertyValues[i].GetType();
         return result;


Misc Example