unity impact force code example
Example: calculate impact damage + unity
//This is pulled direclty from the linked url, which is 100% worth a read if,
//like me your ripping this off. Its a great article.
//This is an extension method for calculatin 2d Impact collisions and follow,
//the articles advice: To use this method create a file named
//«Collision2DExtensions.cs» in your project, write
//the previous code inside it and then use collision.GetImpactForce
// in your on collision enter method
public static class Collision2DExtensions {
public static float GetImpactForce (this Collision2D collision) {
float impulse = 0F;
foreach (ContactPoint2D point in collision.contacts) {
impulse += point.normalImpulse;
return impulse / Time.fixedDeltaTime;