unity swipe menu code example
Example: unity swipe
//inside class
Vector2 firstPressPos;
Vector2 secondPressPos;
Vector2 currentSwipe;
public void Swipe()
if(Input.touches.Length > 0)
Touch t = Input.GetTouch(0);
if(t.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
//save began touch 2d point
firstPressPos = new Vector2(t.position.x,t.position.y);
if(t.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
//save ended touch 2d point
secondPressPos = new Vector2(t.position.x,t.position.y);
//create vector from the two points
currentSwipe = new Vector3(secondPressPos.x - firstPressPos.x, secondPressPos.y - firstPressPos.y);
//normalize the 2d vector
//swipe upwards
if(currentSwipe.y > 0 currentSwipe.x > -0.5f currentSwipe.x < 0.5f)
Debug.Log("up swipe");
//swipe down
if(currentSwipe.y < 0 currentSwipe.x > -0.5f currentSwipe.x < 0.5f)
Debug.Log("down swipe");
//swipe left
if(currentSwipe.x < 0 currentSwipe.y > -0.5f currentSwipe.y < 0.5f)
Debug.Log("left swipe");
//swipe right
if(currentSwipe.x > 0 currentSwipe.y > -0.5f currentSwipe.y < 0.5f)
Debug.Log("right swipe");