unity switch to scene and transfer data code example

Example: unity switch to scene and transfer data

using UnityEngine;

/// Manages data for persistance between levels.
public class DataManager : MonoBehaviour 
    /// Static reference to the instance of our DataManager
    public static DataManager instance;

    /// The player's current score.
    public int score;
    /// The player's remaining health.
    public int health;
    /// The player's remaining lives.
    public int lives;

    /// Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.
    void Awake()
        // If the instance reference has not been set, yet, 
        if (instance == null)
            // Set this instance as the instance reference.
            instance = this;
        else if(instance != this)
            // If the instance reference has already been set, and this is not the
            // the instance reference, destroy this game object.

        // Do not destroy this object, when we load a new scene.


Misc Example