unity3d show private variables in inspector code example

Example 1: show private fields in inspecotr unity

// You Can as well do this with "ScrpitableObject"s
public class MyClass : MonoBehaviour { 
	// Make sure that your field type is actually displayable on the inspector
	[SerializeField] var myPrivateField  

Example 2: unity how to show a private variable in inspector

//Will Show class in the inspector
public class MyClass{

public class otherClass{

public MyClass thatClass; //will show 

public otherClass thatotherClass; //will NOT show

public int public_int; // will show beacuse it's an public variable 
private int private_int; // will NOT show beacuse it's an private variable 

private private_int2; // will show beacuse it has an Serialize Field

protected int protValue; // will not show.