Unslice a string

Python 2, 49 bytes

lambda l:`map(max,*[' '*n+s for n,s in l])`[2::5]

First, lines up the strings by padding their offsets with spaces (shown as underscores for clarity)

[[2, "CG"], [0, "PP"], [1, "PC"]] 


Then, uses map to zip and take the maximum of each column, which ignores the smaller values of spaces (the smallest printable character) and Nones where some strings were too short.



Finally, ''.join to a string using the [2::5] trick.

JavaScript (ES6), 61 bytes


Edit: Saved 4 bytes thanks to @edc65.

Perl, 25

Added +2 for -lp

Get the input from STDIN, e.g.

perl -lp slices.pl
2 CG
0 PP
1 PC

(Close with ^D or ^Z or whatever closes STDIN on your system)


/ /;$r|=v0 x$`.$'}{*_=r