update document firestore code example

Example 1: firestore cloud function update documents

import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';


export const setProductsToExpired = functions.https.onRequest(async(request, response) => {
    const expiredProducts = await admin.firestore()
      .where('timestamp','<=', admin.firestore.Timestamp.now())
    const batch = admin.firestore().batch();
    expiredProducts.forEach(doc => {
    await batch.commit();
    //Successful operation

Example 2: firestore set a document

let data = {
  name: 'Los Angeles',
  state: 'CA',
  country: 'USA'

// Add a new document in collection "cities" with ID 'LA'
let setDoc = db.collection('cities').doc('LA').set(data);

Example 3: document.set() firebasefirestore java

// Create an initial document to update.var frankDocRef = db.collection("users").doc("frank");frankDocRef.set({    name: "Frank",    favorites: { food: "Pizza", color: "Blue", subject: "recess" },    age: 12});// To update age and favorite color:db.collection("users").doc("frank").update({    "age": 13,    "favorites.color": "Red"});


Java Example