Update iOS app description after release without changing the app

Update As Sam commented this behavior seems to have changed recently (maybe with iOS 11 App Store Changes?) so it is no longer possible to update the App Description without an App Update. The Description field is now "locked" for apps that are in Ready For Sale state. Other metadata fields continue to be editable as specified in the official documentation linked below.

Locked Description Field

Original As RJH mentioned in a comment, you CAN actually update the description (as well as the Marketing and Support URL) for an app version already in the app store.

Here's the link again with direction to the specific section: https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/devfc3066644

In order to do this, from within your App in iTunes Connect you must:

  1. Select the specific app version (left sidebar)
  2. Update the description field
  3. Don't forget to click Save!

Apple doco says your changes are posted immediately and should be reflected in the App Store within 24 hours.

Now you cannot change: What's New in This Version, Description, Any app info.

You still can change: Promotional Text, Copyright, Address.


My answer from 2015 became incorrect after a few years. Link also doesn't work anymore.


"Can be edited at any time. To edit this information, select the Ready for Sale version from the platform header in the left pane, edit the desired field and then click save. Changes will reflect on the App Store within 24 hours."

Citation from: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ChangingAppMetadata.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH3-SW46

You can edit the description at any time for an app that has already been approved

To do so:

  • Login to iTunes Connect

  • Click My Apps

  • Click the app icon for the app you want to edit

  • In the left hand menu, click on the x Ready For Sale

  • Edit the description as needed and click Save in the top right corner

Changes will immediately reflect in iTunes Connect, but can take up to 24 hours to reflect in the App Store.