Update multiple rows in 1 column in MySQL

you can use cases like below:

UPDATE example_table
   SET variable1 = CASE id
                     WHEN 1 THEN 12
                     WHEN 2 THEN 42
                     WHEN 3 THEN 32
                     WHEN 4 THEN 51

Not applicable to your example, but you probably will find this useful:

UPDATE table
SET value = <value>
WHERE field = <specific value>

This way you can update one field in a table on the basis of another field in the same table. All the applicable rows will be updated. To quote an example which I used at work earlier this morning

UPDATE porderitems
SET currency = -2
WHERE ord = 40396

This query update the porderitems table (purchase order lines), setting the currency to -2 for all the lines connected to purchase order 40396. The query neither knows nor cares how many lines there are in that purchase order; all of them will be updated.