update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method

You're using the update function wrong. It should be like this:

String where = "id=?";
String[] whereArgs = new String[] {String.valueOf(id)};

db.update(DATABASE_TABLE, dataToInsert, where, whereArgs);

The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each '?' in the where variable.

ie. if you had where = "name=? AND type=? then the first '?' would get replaced by whereArgs[0] and the second by whereArgs[1].

I have an other approach

    public boolean updateEmployee(TalebeDataUser fav) {

    SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUMN_ID, fav.getId());
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUM_AD, fav.getAd());
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUMN_NUMARA, fav.getNumara());
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUMN_YURD_ID, fav.getYurtID());
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUMN_EGITIM_ID, fav.getEgitimTur());
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUMN_TEL, fav.getTel());
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUMN_EMAIL, fav.getEmail());
    contentValues.put(DBHelper.COLUMN_ADDRESS, fav.getAdres());

    String whereClause = DBHelper.COLUM_AD + " = ? AND " + DBHelper.COLUMN_NUMARA + " = ? ";
    final String whereArgs[] = {fav.getAd(), String.valueOf(fav.getNumara())};// old nameler taranıyor
    int affectedRows = database.update(DBHelper.TABLE_NAME_OGR, contentValues, whereClause, whereArgs);
    return affectedRows > 0;

Actually, you just need to add apostrophes to your where clause. So it ought to be:

String where = "id='" + id + "'"

(note: however, this is not best practice, as it theoretically leaves open to injection attacks)