Upgrading Xampp to run php 7

I consider @camelCase good, but you can also consider trying this method. It may suite your need.

Upgrade to PHP7 in XAMPP Before proceeding further I will recommend to take backup of your XAMPP configuration. After you have made backup below are some steps to use PHP7 with in your XAMPP

  1. Download PHP7 : Download php7 from php.net website.

If your apache is thread safe then download a thread safe version of PHP7 otherwise download NTS i.e non thread safe version.

  1. Place PHP on appropriate place in your XAMPP : Put your PHP7 in your XAMPP. I usually prefer to to put on location /XAMPP/php7 but you can put as per your need. There is no any restriction for putting your new php version in xampp.

  2. Include PHP7 with your apache : In XAMPP, PHP is configured using apache file path [yourxampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf]. Please open the file add first change all variable path from php7 directory.

Also do not forget to add php7 module using below code

LoadFile yourxampppath/php7/php7ts.dll
LoadFile yourxampppath/php7/libpq.dll
LoadModule php7_module yourxampppath/php7/php7apache2_4.dll

Make sure to change PHP ini directory for your PHP7

<IfModule php7_module>
    PHPINIDir "yourxampppath/php7"

Chechout www.techflirt.com

Not sure if you were able to resolve this, but figured I'd suggest an approach since this question comes up high in Google searches and might benefit others.

Apache Friends released a version of XAMPP for Windows, Linux, and OS that supports PHP 7.0.1.

From the site:

We just released a new version of XAMPP for all platforms with PHP 7.0.1. This version also includes a fixed version of the setup_xampp.bat and test_php.bat scripts for Windows.

It can be downloaded from Apache Friends.


