Uploading files (up to 10Mb file size) with ASP.NET webAPI

Probably it was not clear but actually the blog URL is referring to IIS. You need to look for the following 2 settings in Web.config to increase the upload size:

Note maxRequestLength is in kbytes:

  <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" maxQueryStringLength="" maxRequestLength="" maxUrlLength="" />

Note maxAllowedContentLength is in bytes:

      <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="" maxQueryString="" maxUrl=""/>

If you read it carefully, it says "ASP.NET has a maximum limit of 2G in terms of file size that you can upload." So basically when hosted in ASP.NET/IIS you will be able to receive files up to 2Gbs. What you have to do is change some default values in web.config.

Check this out: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7154363/2517785