Upside-down syntax trees for linguistics with horizontal lines
Here’s a solution that uses the excellent forest
% Node shape adapted from
\makeatletter \pgfdeclareshape{myunderline}{
\foreach \from in
{center,base,north,north east,east,south east,south,south west,west,north west}{
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
% This can be improved by removing magic numbers
} \makeatother
for tree={
fit=band, % Isolates space above this node from siblings’ descendants
no edge,
% Uncomment the line below for the dotted edges
% edge={dotted, semithick, gray!50, shorten <=8pt}, parent anchor=north,
% This can be improved by reducing space between levels where edges are drawn
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,
l sep=0pt, s sep=6pt, text depth=0.5em, grow'=north,
where level=0{} % No style for dummy root node
{where n children=0
{font=\bfseries,tier=word} % Leaves in bold on the same tier
{font=\small,tikz={\node[draw, thick, myunderline, fit to=tree] {};}} % Non-leaves
% This can be improved by removing the need for a parent and sibling of the actual root
[Det [La] ]
[N/Sust [novela] ]
[CN/SAdj/Prop Sub Adj
[\textit{nexo} [que] ]
[CI/SN [me] ]
[N/V [ha regalado] ]
[Det [mi] ]
[N [hermana] ]
[N/V [est\'a] ]
[N [ambientada] ]
[E [en] ]
[N [Australia\rlap.] ]
And here’s another version with faint dotted edges:
You can render the same structure in a more conventional appearance just by changing options:
for tree={
edge={dotted, semithick, gray!80, shorten <=1pt,shorten >=3pt},
parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,
inner sep=0pt, outer ysep=2pt,
text depth=0.5em,
where n children=0{font=\bfseries,tier=word}{font=\small}
So you can see why one might prefer using forest
instead of bussproofs
or semantics
. Also, the forest
tree syntax is much simpler, and is not “backwards” as seen in cfr’s answer.
Take a look at the forest
manual for more style options.
2019 edit:
fit to tree
option syntax has been modified to fit to=tree
2020 edit:
changing l
as l=1.5em
changes the vertical spacing
For example:
\inference{\mbox{ha regalado}}{N/V}
{CN/SAdj/Prop. Sub. Adj}
Here's a different way... based on my answer at Highlighting text through stacked colored underlines
\smash{\raisebox{-.6\baselineskip}{\makebox[0pt][l]{\scriptsize #3}}}%
\Nun{\Nun[4]{ }{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun[4]{ }{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun {que}{\itshape nexo}}{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun[2]{ }{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun {me}{CI/SN}}{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun[2]{ }{PV/SV}}{CN/SAdj/Prop. Sub. Adj}}{S/SN}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun {ha}{}}{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun { }{}}{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun {regalado}{N/V}}{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun[3]{ }{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun {mi}{Det}}{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun[2]{ }{}}{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun {hermana}{\HS{5ex}N}}{S/SN}}{}}{}}{OP}%
\Nun[5]{ }{}%
\Nun{\Nun[4]{ }{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun[4]{ }{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun[3]{ }{}}{}}{}%
\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun{\Nun {Australia}{\HS{6ex}N}}{\HS{3ex}T/SN}}{}}{}}{}%