Use Alpha Vantage as an alternative to Yahoo FinancialData, and how to use financial indicators on these data
Here is something I quickly came up with after a cursory reading of the docs:
$alphaVantageKey = (* insert your API key here *);
alphaVantageTradingChart[symbol_String, opts___] := Module[{daily, meta, msg, raw, series},
daily = StringTemplate["`sym`&apikey=`key`"];
raw = Import[daily @ <|"key" -> $alphaVantageKey, "sym" -> symbol|>, "RawJSON"];
msg = Lookup[raw, "Error Message"];
series = KeyValueMap[{DateObject[#1], Interpreter["Number"] /@ Values[#2]} &,
raw @ "Time Series (Daily)"];
meta = AssociationThread[{"sym", "date", "tz"},
MapAt[DateString[#, {"MonthName", " ", "Day", ", ", "Year"}] &,
Lookup[raw["Meta Data"],
{"2. Symbol", "3. Last Refreshed", "5. Time Zone"}], 2]];
TradingChart[series, opts,
PlotLabel -> Style[StringTemplate["Trading Chart for `sym`\n(last refreshed `date`, `tz` time)"]
@ meta, Small]],
Failure["API Error", <|"MessageTemplate" -> msg|>]]]
alphaVantageTradingChart["MMM", {"BollingerBands"}]
So this is something that can really be answered just by reading the docs, but maybe it'll be generally useful, so I'll put it here.
First I got an API key from those people, then extended your function to be a bit more general:
$AVAPIKey = "0LWSL8V34410G7ZU";
Options[alphaVantageCallBuild] =
"function" -> "TIME_SERIES_DAILY",
"symbol" -> "MSFT",
"datatype" -> "json",
"interval" -> "60min",
"outputsize" -> "compact",
"apikey" -> Automatic
alphaVantageCallBuild[ops : OptionsPattern[]] :=
"Scheme" -> "https",
"Domain" -> "",
"Path" -> {"query"},
"Query" -> {
"function" -> OptionValue["function"],
"symbol" -> OptionValue["symbol"],
"apikey" ->
Replace[OptionValue["apikey"], Automatic :> $AVAPIKey],
"datatype" -> OptionValue["datatype"],
"interval" -> OptionValue["interval"]
Then we'll import some of this stuff:
coreData = Import[alphaVantageCallBuild[], "RawJSON"];
Take[#, 5] & /@ coreData
<|"Meta Data" -> <|"1. Information" ->
"Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes",
"2. Symbol" -> "MSFT", "3. Last Refreshed" -> "2017-09-13",
"4. Output Size" -> "Compact", "5. Time Zone" -> "US/Eastern"|>,
"Time Series (Daily)" -> <|"2017-09-13" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.9300",
"2. high" -> "75.2300", "3. low" -> "74.5500",
"4. close" -> "75.2100", "5. volume" -> "13351377"|>,
"2017-09-12" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.7600", "2. high" -> "75.2400",
"3. low" -> "74.3700", "4. close" -> "74.6800",
"5. volume" -> "14003880"|>,
"2017-09-11" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.3100", "2. high" -> "74.9400",
"3. low" -> "74.3100", "4. close" -> "74.7600",
"5. volume" -> "17455115"|>,
"2017-09-08" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.3300", "2. high" -> "74.4400",
"3. low" -> "73.8400", "4. close" -> "73.9800",
"5. volume" -> "14474383"|>,
"2017-09-07" -> <|"1. open" -> "73.6800", "2. high" -> "74.6000",
"3. low" -> "73.6000", "4. close" -> "74.3400",
"5. volume" -> "17165518"|>|>|>
Now you can see this data is kinda funky. They have those weird numeric tags on everything and the values are all strings. So we'll clean all this up:
data_Association?(Quiet[DateObjectQ@DateObject[First@Keys[#]]] &)
] :=
ToExpression@*KeyMap[StringTrim[#, DigitCharacter ~~ ". "] &] /@
KeyMap[DateObject, data];
alphaVantageTradingChartPrep[data_Association] :=
SelectFirst[data, Quiet[DateObjectQ@DateObject[First@Keys[#]]] &];
timeSeries =
<|DateObject[{2017, 9, 13}, "Day",
"Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.93, "high" -> 75.23,
"low" -> 74.55, "close" -> 75.21, "volume" -> 13351377|>,
DateObject[{2017, 9, 12}, "Day",
"Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.76, "high" -> 75.24,
"low" -> 74.37, "close" -> 74.68, "volume" -> 14003880|>,
DateObject[{2017, 9, 11}, "Day",
"Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.31, "high" -> 74.94,
"low" -> 74.31, "close" -> 74.76, "volume" -> 17455115|>,
DateObject[{2017, 9, 8}, "Day",
"Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.33, "high" -> 74.44,
"low" -> 73.84, "close" -> 73.98, "volume" -> 14474383|>,
DateObject[{2017, 9, 7}, "Day",
"Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 73.68, "high" -> 74.6,
"low" -> 73.6, "close" -> 74.34, "volume" -> 17165518|>|>
Then we just make it look how TradingChart
wants it:
tradingChartData =
{#, Lookup[#2, {"open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"}]} &,
tradingChartData // TradingChart
And here's the same with the FinancialIndicator
from the examples:
{FinancialIndicator["SimpleMovingAverage", 50]}
Here is an example to build on top of Twelve Data OHLCV candles. The advantage is that they offer real-time data throughout the trading session, that AV fails to deliver for some important stocks.
TwelveDataTradingChart[symbol_, interval_, apikey_, opts___] := Module[{template, status, data, series},
template = StringTemplate["`symbol`&interval=`interval`&apikey=`apikey`"];
data = Import[template @ <|"symbol" -> symbol, "interval" -> interval, "apikey" ->apikey|>, "RawJSON"];
status = Lookup[data, "status"];
If[status == "ok",
series = Map[{DateObject[#1["datetime"]], Interpreter["Number"] /@ Take[Values[#1],{2, -1}]} &,
data @ "values"];
TradingChart[series, opts,
PlotLabel -> Style[StringJoin[symbol," - ", interval],Medium]],
Failure["Error", <|"MessageTemplate" -> Lookup[data, "message"]|>]]]
The call will be simple:
TwelveDataTradingChart["AAPL", "5min", "your_api_key"]
Interval can be any of the {1min
, 5min
, 15min
, 30min
, 45min
, 1h
, 2h
, 4h
, 8h
, 1day
, 1week
, 1month
}. Free API Key can be obtained here.