Use an Icon Font in Xamarin Forms TabBar

The solution below worked for me.

Copied the files from fontawesome inside Assets folder

  • fa-brands-400.ttf
  • fa-regular-400.ttf
  • fa-solid-900.ttf

Important the reference "Font Awesome 5 Brands" according to icon needed

    <FontImageSource FontFamily="fa-brands-400.ttf#Font Awesome 5 Brands" Glyph="&#xf39e;"/>

You can do that with custom renderers as a workaround. Check this example on GitHub here:

You have to use FontImageSource to do that.

<Tab Title="MyTitle"> <Tab.Icon> <FontImageSource FontFamily="{StaticResource IconFont}" Glyph="&#xF00A;" Size="Small"/> </Tab.Icon> ... </Tab>

That's a great question. You can't use the tab icon property in a straight forward way to accept the icon font, unless you convert it into a PNG. If you want to go that route, you can try this, you might have to deal with permissions for saving images. Worth a try!