Use CodeCeption assertion in conditional (if) statement

I had this same issue. Although it's not ideal, you can do this:

try {
    // Continue to do this if it's present
    // ...
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Do this if it's not present.
    // ...

In tests/_support/AcceptanceHelper.php add additional method

function seePageHasElement($element)
    try {
    } catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $f) {
        return false;
    return true;

Then to test in your acceptance test use:

if ($I->seePageHasElement("input[name=address]")) {
    $I->fillField("input[name=address]", "IM");

You can use a workaround like this or similar combinations:

$tmp = $I->grabTextFrom('SELECTOR');
if ($tmp == 'your text') {

