Use counter before its value is set

Welcome to TeX.SE. This is a job for the totcount package. You need to compile twice, since totcount uses the .aux file to store the last value assigned to the counter in the document.

Note that I use \value{enumi} instead of \thenumi in the \setcounter call in case \thenumi doesn't expand to an integer denotation (\thenumi might use \roman or \alph formatting, etc.).



There are \total{howmany}~items in this list:
  \item one
  \item two
  \item three


enter image description here

If there is already a \newcounter command for the counter in question and you don't want to, or cannot change this command into a \newtotcounter call, you can register the counter with the totcount package using \regtotcounter{countername} (this can be useful if the counter is defined by a package).

This also works with non-decimal labels

This technique works as well if you use non-decimal label formatting:




There are \total{howmany}~items in this list; their labels are
\ref{first-item}, \ref{second-item}, and \ref{third-item}.
  \item \label{first-item}one
  \item \label{second-item}two
  \item \label{third-item}three


enter image description here

You can wrap your list to be counted in an environment:


 {% #1 is the label for referring to the count


The following list has \ref{firstlist} items
\item one
\item two
\item three
  \item A
  \item B
The inner list has \ref{innerlist} items.


enter image description here

Alternatively, you can use a command after the relevant \end{enumerate}




The following list has \ref{firstlist} items
\item one
\item two
\item three
  \item A
  \item B
The inner list has \ref{innerlist} items.


