Use math symbol from different font

You could borrow the \star from Latin Modern.

\( f \star g \)

\( f \lmstar g \)

In the modern toolchain, with unicode-math, you can load a symbol from another math font with the range= option of \setmathfont:

\defaultfontfeatures{ Scale=MatchLowercase, Ligatures=TeX }
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Termes}[Scale=1.0]
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre Termes Math}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}[range=\star]

Update 1: after the correct comment of @Vincent

After many attemps and looked the manual of MnSymbol I have taken all the fonts of type MnSymbolC

enter image description here

enter image description here

etc...and with \DeclareMathSymbol{\thinstar}{\mathbin}{MnSyC}{134} I have obtained only the \thinstar operator (code 134).

\DeclareFontFamily{U} {MnSymbolC}{}

<-6> MnSymbolC5
<6-7> MnSymbolC6
<7-8> MnSymbolC7
<8-9> MnSymbolC8
<9-10> MnSymbolC9
<10-12> MnSymbolC10
<12-> MnSymbolC12}{}
<-6> MnSymbolC-Bold5
<6-7> MnSymbolC-Bold6
<7-8> MnSymbolC-Bold7
<8-9> MnSymbolC-Bold8
<9-10> MnSymbolC-Bold9
<10-12> MnSymbolC-Bold10
<12-> MnSymbolC-Bold12}{}
\DeclareSymbolFont{MnSyC}         {U}  {MnSymbolC}{m}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{MnSyC} {bold}{U} {MnSymbolC}{b}{n}

$\sum_{i=1}^n g\thinstar f \cup R$
or other
\[\sum \sigma_s\prod a_i\]

It seem that the symbols are all of newtxmath

enter image description here

if we compare with \sum and \prod of MnSymbol (for example),

enter image description here

I add some proposals....

    \( f \star g \), \verb|classic star|
    \( f \mathbin{\filledstar}  g \), \verb|MnSymbol package|
    $f \mathrel{\thinstar} g $, \verb|MnSymbol package|
    $f \mathbin{\APLstar} g $, \verb|Table 330: wasysym APL Symbols|

enter image description here