Use of Parceler with Kotlin data class with constructor for serialization

According to the docs, Parceler by default works with public fields. But a usual Kotlin data class (as in your example) is rather a "traditional getter/setter bean", since every Kotlin property is represented by a private field and a getter/[setter].

TL; DR: I think this will work:

data class Valve(val size: Int = 10)

Note the default value, it allows Kotlin to automatically generate an additional empty constructor, which is required by the Java Been specification.

Another way would be to mark the constructor that we already have:

data class Driver @ParcelConstructor constructor(val name: String)

The specific document:

I know this question already has an answer, but for future viewers who are also struggling to get Parceler to work with kotlin data objects, I wrote a new annotation processor to generate the Parcelable boilerplate for Kotlin data classes. It's designed to massively reduce the boilerplate code in making your data classes Parcelable:


Annotate your data class with @PaperParcel, implement PaperParcelable, and add a JVM static instance of the generated CREATOR e.g.:

data class Example(
  val test: Int,
) : PaperParcelable {
  companion object {
    @JvmField val CREATOR = PaperParcelExample.CREATOR

Now your data class is Parcelable and can be passed directly to a Bundle or Intent

Edit: Update with latest API