Use of super in Comparator in java
The term ? super T
means "unknown type that is, or is a super class of, T", which in generics parlance means its lower bound is T.
This signature is used because T may be assigned to, and compared with, any variable whose type is, or is a super class of, T. Ie if a Comparator can accept a super class of T in its compare() method, you can pass in a T.
This follows the PECS mnemonic: "Producer Extends, Consumer Super", which means that producers of things should work with things that have an upper bound ( ? extends T) and consumers (like comparator implementations that use things) should work with lower bounds ( ? super T).
In here < ? super T>
means generics - NOT comparisons.
It means you have a Comparator
with a generic type of ? super T
(something that extends is super typed by T
), as explained in this thread
is the variable name (binding).
So basically in here Comparator < ? super T>
is a type and comp
is an identifier (variable name), that is of type Comparator <? super T>
For more info: Java Generics