Use Paramiko AutoAddPolicy with pysftp

pysftp does not use Paramiko SSHClient class at all, it uses more low-level Transport class. So it does not have the MissingHostKeyPolicy functionality of SSHClient.

You would have to implement it on your own.

One possible implementation can be:

host = ''

# Loads .ssh/known_hosts    
cnopts = CnOpts()

hostkeys = None

if cnopts.hostkeys.lookup(host) == None:
    print("New host - will accept any host key")
    # Backup loaded .ssh/known_hosts file
    hostkeys = cnopts.hostkeys
    # And do not verify host key of the new host
    cnopts.hostkeys = None

with Connection(host, username=user, private_key=pkey, cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:
    if hostkeys != None:
        print("Connected to new host, caching its hostkey")
        hostkeys.add(host, sftp.remote_server_key.get_name(), sftp.remote_server_key)

I've implemented auto_add_key in my pysftp github fork.

auto_add_key will add the key to known_hosts if auto_add_key=True
Once a key is present for a host in known_hosts this key will be checked.

Please reffer Martin Prikryl -> answer about security concerns.

Though for an absolute security, you should not retrieve the host key remotely, as you cannot be sure, if you are not being attacked already.

import pysftp as sftp

def push_file_to_server():
    s = sftp.Connection(host='', username='root', password='pass', auto_add_key=True)
    local_path = "testme.txt"
    remote_path = "/home/testme.txt"

    s.put(local_path, remote_path)
