Using a custom JSON encoder for SQLAlchemy's PostgreSQL JSONB implementation

This is supported via the json_serializer keyword argument to create_engine, as documented under sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.JSON:

def _default(val):
    if isinstance(val, Decimal):
        return str(val)
    raise TypeError()

def dumps(d):
    return json.dumps(d, default=_default)

engine = create_engine(..., json_serializer=dumps)

If you, like me, are finding a nice way to get this running with Flask-SQLAlchemy, this is what I did. If you import and pass flask.json instead of the standard library json module, you’ll get automatic deserialization of dates, datetimes and uuid.UUID instances.

class HackSQLAlchemy(SQLAlchemy):
    """ Ugly way to get SQLAlchemy engine to pass the Flask JSON serializer
    to `create_engine`.



    def apply_driver_hacks(self, app, info, options):
        super(HackSQLAlchemy, self).apply_driver_hacks(app, info, options)

If you're using Flask, you already have an extended JSONEncoder defined in flask.json which handles UUID, but not Decimal. It can be mapped into the SqlAlchemy engine with the json_serializer param as in @univerio's answer:

from flask import json

engine = create_engine(

You can further extend the Flask JSONEncoder to support decimal.Decimal with the following:

import decimal

from flask import json

class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Override Flask's JSONEncoder with the single method `default`, which 
    is called when the encoder doesn't know how to encode a specific type.
    def default(self, obj):
        if type(obj) is decimal.Decimal:
            return str(obj)
            # raises TypeError: obj not JSON serializable
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def init_json(app):
    Use custom JSON encoder with Flask
    app.json_encoder = CustomJSONEncoder