Using an If-else within an array
Yes, this is possible using a certain shorthand:
$LibraryStatus = $ControlStatus = true;
$arrLayout = array(
"section1" => array(
($LibraryStatus ? array("wLibrary" => array("title" => "XMBC Library",
"display" => "")) : false),
($ControlStatus ? array("wControl" => array("title" => "Control",
"display" => "")) : false)));
It works like this:
if($a == $b){ echo 'a'; }else{ echo 'b'; }
is equal to
echo $a == $b ? 'a' : 'b';
If you use this shorthand it will always return the output, so you can put it between brackets and put it inbetween the array.
But for this exact situation there are other solutions as well.
Inside an array you can use ternary operator:
$a = array(
'b' => $expression == true ? 'myWord' : '';
But in your example better way is to move if-statement outside your array.
You are complicating things needlessly.
If the condition and the values you want to assign are simple enough, you can use the ternary operator (?:
) like so:
$condition = true;
$arrLayout = array(
"section1" => $condition ?
"wLibrary" => array(
"title" => "XBMC Library",
"display" => ""
) : false,
However, this is not very readable even for simple cases and I would call it a highly questionable practice. It's much better to keep it as simple as possible:
$condition = true;
$arrLayout = array(
"section1" => false
if($condition) {
$arrLayout["section1"] = array(
"wLibrary" => array(
"title" => "XBMC Library",
"display" => ""